My decision to launch Bright Global Report , an online education portal, stemmed from my personal experiences during engineering. I often wished for a platform where students could freely exchange their experiences and receive answers to their queries. This motivated the creation of Bright Global Report.

This blog, initiated in 2024 by an individual with a rich background as a former student and extensive experience in various aspects of exams, admissions, results, and job-related matters, aims to serve as a valuable resource for students by offering assistance and guidance.

Bright Global Report Vision

During my time as a student, I often encountered challenging questions for which answers were elusive. In those moments, I decided that once I acquired knowledge, I would share it through an online blog. Thus, I established “Bright Global Report” blog with the aim of assisting fellow students in schools and colleges.

This platform provides valuable information that addresses students’ inquiries, covering topics not typically taught in schools, colleges, or coaching centers. It includes guidance on tasks such as opening a student bank account, exploring opportunities for student investment in mutual funds, and identifying career options after completing the 12th grade.

This provides students in schools and colleges with the correct guidance.